- 封面
- 前言
- 致同學
- Scope and sequence
- Module1 My First Day at Senior High
- Module2 My New Teachers
- Module3 My First Ride on a Train
- Module4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood
- Module5 A Lesson in a Lab
- Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications
- Module7 Revision
- Module1 My First Day at Senior High
- Module2 My New Teachers
- Module3 My First Ride on a Train
- Module4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood
- Module5 A Lesson in a Lab
- Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications
- Notes to the Texts
- Grammar
- World List
- Phrases
- Vocabulary
- Pronunciation Table
- 封面
- 前言
- 致同學
- Scope and sequence
- Module1 Our Body and Healthy Habits
- Module2 No Drugs
- Module3 Music
- Module4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts
- Module5 Newspapers and Magazines
- Module6 Films and TV Programmes
- Module7 Revision
- Module1 Our Body and Healthy Habits
- Module2 No Drugs
- Module3 Music
- Module4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts
- Module5 Newspapers and Magazines
- Module6 Films and TV Programmes
- Notes to the Texts
- Grammar
- World List
- Names and Places
- Phrases
- Vocabulary
- 封面
- 前言
- 致同學
- Scope and sequence
- Module1 Europe
- Module2 Developing and Developed Countries
- Module3 The Violence of Nature
- Module4 Sandstorms in Asia
- Module5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China
- Module6 Old and New
- Module7 Revision
- Module1 Europe
- Module2 Developing and Developed Countries
- Module3 The Violence of Nature
- Module4 Sandstorms in Asia
- Module5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China
- Module6 Old and New
- Notes to the Texts
- Grammar
- World List
- Phrases
- Vocabulary
- 封面
- 前言
- 致同學
- Scope and sequence
- Module1 Life in the Future
- Module2 Traffic Jam
- Module3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communicalion
- Module4 Great Scientists
- Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges
- Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Naural World
- Module7 Revision
- Module1 Life in the Future
- Module2 Traffic Jam
- Module3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communicalion
- Module4 Great Scientists
- Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges
- Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Naural World
- Notes to the Texts
- Grammar
- World List
- Names and Places
- Vocabulary